I don’t tip based on a percentage of the bill. I know these people are being paid less than minimum wage, sometimes as little as $2.13/ hour depending upon which state you’re in. To me, it’s inhumane to expect a person to work for less than $15/hour.
As, such, regardless of whether I’ve sat down to a five course meal or simply sat in a diner enjoying coffee with friends, I recognize that someone has been on their feet, running back and forth, bringing that coffee pot for refills or carrying the courses of the meal; and I compensate them for their services accordingly.
If I have been waited upon by a server for two hours, and I know they will likely receive about $5.00 in wages, it’s up to me to pay for their services, and leave at least $25.00 for two hours’ work. That’s not even generous. Thats simply decent.
For excellent service, I would be remiss to leave less than $30, $40, or even $50 — depending upon the level of service received — regardless of the amount of the bill itself.
Would you work that hard for less than $15/hr? Would you feel your work and services were valued or appreciated for less? Could you support your family?
Its just the decent humane thing to do.
And, no, I’m not wealthy. Quite the opposite. I just try to treat people fairly.